Thursday, April 7, 2011


My knee hurts. I guess that is what I get for being a dumbass.

Oddly enough, even though I scraped it pretty good, my jeans are still fine. I guess that's a plus.

So, yeah. Long story short, Nebbie showed. I ran. And thought I could make a jump over a small set of concrete stairs with thin walls on either side. Any other time I could have done it. But the fates were against me today.

Sam jumped, Sam failed, Sam inserted her knee into the concrete she was attempting to jump, picked herself up, and kept limping.

Running from a girl that wants me dead and al I could think of was how embarrassed I was. Than again, I probably only got away because Nebula damn near pissed herself laughing at me.

Fuck Thursdays. They always did suck big time...

So yeah. I'm still alive, but I am still a clumsy dumbass.

Lets see, do I have anything kind of important to say? Aside from I am highly considering taking up Adrian's offer and giving up on Vera? No, I don't really think so...

On a lighter note:

Oh, I should probably mention that I'm doing something INCREDIBLY stupid.

I'm heading closer to home, to meet up with Gabe for a few hours.

Dude, if you pull anything to get me caught, I -will- fucking -kill- you. Just saying.

Urgh, I'm gonna get him marked. I shouldn't be doing this. Oh well, that's all for now.


  1. "It must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays." -Arthur Dent

    Well, you know, at least it's not Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!...I'm sorry. Good luck.

  2. No, today is Tyler Battle Day. Thor said so.

    Good luck Sammie.

  3. I had my arm re-broken. I feel your pain.
